If I Had Only Known
If I had only known that my hair would not always be lustrous and thick and auburn... would I have spent more time fixing it each and every day? If I had only known how fast my children would grow up... would I have spent more time playing with them and just holding them? If I had only known that my time with my parents would come to an end... would I have spent more time asking them all the questions that I now have about them and their parents and grandparents and what it was like for them growing up? I am not qualified to pronounce deep assessments of Life and Love... When I can see 70 on the horizon and my body looks like my mother's and time is going so fast that I can hardly catch my breath... I want to write something significant and wise, but others before me have written books too numerous to count so that all that is left for me to do is to sit on our porch swing and listen to the doves and the cr...