well, it's been ten months since i actively started dieting and eating better and i've lost a total of 68 pounds and am feeling just great!
my doctor told me yesterday that she recommended that i continue to eat sensibly and to either just stay at the weight i am now or not to lose any more than ten to fifteen pounds more, maximum. my BMI is great and she said that i am now classified as "healthy" for my age and height and i am no longer obese!!!
what i have taken from this experience?
1.) weighing oneself every single morning is a must. you have to know what happens when you cheat because it always shows up the next day. but at least then you can still feel in control because you see the results and can be motivated to DO something about it!
2.) eating enough protein is VERY important to feeling full and not wanting to cheat!
3.) drinking enough water is EXTREMELY important. i personally drink 3 liters or quarts every single day (which includes my cups of tea) and i can't imagine not drinking that much.
i just wish that i had been able to figure this out 25 years ago. it's a lot more fun being at a normal weight... and the compliments are nice to hear!


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