"Oh, What a Relief It Is!!!"

April 2014

what's your favorite time of year? christmas? easter? the fourth of july?
mine is right now... the day after i get through with my taxman!
this great weight lifted from my shoulders! much like when you pull out the washer and dryer and wash the floor underneath... "now THAT job is done for now!"
our guy is awesome. he has saved us a heap of money over the years.
your four most trusted confidants:
1.-your taxman
2.-your doctor
3.-your lawyer
4.-your BEST friend
my husband has told me that if you can have just ONE actual true friend in your lifetime, you are extremely lucky. the rest of the people you call your "friends" are, in fact, just acquaintances.
people grow apart, move apart, develop different interests, etc. But a best friend knows all your secrets, never tells them, is the only one you would call for bail money, and the only one who stands beside you, no matter what.
but you knew that already, didn't you?


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