A Reader's Celebration

I am going through my books and
re-reading them and deciding
which ones to keep and which ones
to sell or donate so that my children
won't have to do that when I am gone.

Years ago I did that and settled on
keeping only three of my favorite authors:
Maud Hart Lovelace,
Booth Tarkington,
and Ed McBain/ Evan Hunter.

A while back I decided to give
all my Lovelace books to 
my oldest daughter 
who shares my love
of the Betsy-Tacy series.

I also gave her my set of
Betsy, Tacy, and Tib dolls
that I had purchased
30 years ago.

I sold my entire set of
the "Matthew Hope" series
by Ed McBain on eBay
a while back.

I will soon be listing my entire set
of the "87th Precinct" mystery series
also by Ed McBain.

Ed McBain and Evan Hunter are
one and the same person.
The books he wrote as Evan Hunter
are all so different.
I have to re-read them all first
before I will be ready to sell them.

I am working my way through all of
Booth Tarkington's books currently.
His earliest works were so
indicative of the era!
The early 1900's when skirts were long
and a glance could mean anything!
My favorite of his, of course,
is the Penrod series.
I've asked my daughter
to prop one of them on my chest
someday when I am in my casket
to make it look like I fell asleep reading it.

I used to read the Penrod books to my two
youngest children, hoping that it would
add to their vocabularies!
Tarkington had such a way with words!
I have always read to all four
of our children.

I have my grandmother's
set of encyclopedias from 1910
in which Czar Alexander
was still in power in Russia!
I love the illustrations.

I think I may have influenced my
youngest daughter to be a reader.
I recently took her eight tall bookcases
when they moved into their new home to
hold her many, many books.  
(And I don't think she got them all on the shelves!)
Both of her children that she is home-schooling
are also avid readers.

My oldest daughter is also a reader.
She and her husband used to read to all
three of their children at bedtime.
And now she works at their local library
and loves it!
She has an actual library in their home
with several tall shelves full of books.

I think I already have told you I loved books
since I was very young.
I remember going to our local library,
checking out ten books
(because the librarian limited me!)
and reading at least two of them on the
walk back home!

My dad had a huge unabridged dictionary
in his study.  I used to read it for fun!

When we lived in Yuma after I got married
I discovered a free Book Exchange
in one of the stores and was able to
amass quite a collection of
John D. MacDonald's Travis McGee series.
I outgrew that maybe twenty years ago.

When I first started my store, I created
a free Book Exchange
in a small room there.
Unfortunately, 90% of the books that
people brought in were "romance"
novels or Reader's Digest condensed books
or old sets of encyclopedias.
After five or six years I decided I needed
the room for furniture and tried to
donate as many as I could.
But, sadly, that 90% went out with the trash.
It broke my heart, but it had to be done!

Books are such treasures!
I do my reading at night
while I soak in my claw-foot tub.
If I have to sit in a waiting room
for any reason, I bring along a book to read.

No tablet or computer can compare
with the physical action of actually
turning a page...
I love to read!


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