I was on my way home just now and
couldn't find anything to listen to on the radio. That is, until I found a
station playing polkas.
Listening to polka music on the car
radio used to be an every Sunday event when you were with my dad.
So lately, I've been watching
"Long Island Medium" and I'm thinking to myself, I wonder if my dad
knows I'm listening to polkas and thinking about him?
When we first moved back home and
bought our grandfather's house, I always felt that my grandmother was with me
whenever I made improvements like new wallpaper or new shades or curtains. I
like to think she was guiding my choices.
When my sisters and I were looking
through our sister Patsy's belongings after she was killed in the plane crash,
we felt her presence when we found a letter she had written to her son before
she left on her trip. We opened it and read it. It was a goodbye letter... she
knew she wasn't coming back!
When our baby was born prematurely
and died, I felt my sister Patsy's presence. She was standing there holding my
baby, telling me that she would keep her safe. I was finally able to sleep
after that.
When my father died, the smoke
alarm at the top of the stairs went off at that exact moment! We felt he wanted
us to know he was going.
I look
forward to the day when I will be able to contact my loved ones after I have
died... or perhaps I'll just move some furniture around!
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