The Gift

March 2014

So we've set the clocks ahead an hour. you can almost taste spring in the air! nobody appreciates spring like an Iowa native!
a new beginning. this life of ours is such a marvelous gift!
i don't usually preach, but how can someone look around them and think that this all happened "by accident" and that there was no One behind it all???
i think God looks down on us here on Earth and just shakes his head.
i don't think he gives cancer to one child or lets another one live to be 100. THAT, my dears, he leaves to chance or to choices that we make.
but i do thank Him every day for his Gift of Life. and i hope to use it well! can you say with me that you absolutely love where you are at in your life?
A man died and went to heaven, where he met St. Peter sitting at a desk in the middle of a great hall. On the walls were millions of clocks.
“What are those used for?” he asked.
St. Peter said, “There’s one of them for every living person on Earth ticking out the days of their lives.”
The newcomer noticed that the hands of some of the clocks were moving faster than others. “Why do they move at different speeds?” he asked.
St. Peter said, “Every time you tell a lie, you lose one hour of your life and your clock speeds up.”
The newcomer looked around and then asked, “Do you have one of these for my local politician?”
St. Peter answered, “Sure! It’s in the back room. We use it for a ceiling fan.”


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